I used the neti pot twice so far and today my right ear feels like there is some pressure in it.

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Dec 31, 2018 11:58 PM 1 Answers Directions for use, Cleaning & Disinfecting Irrigation
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I used the neti pot twice so far and today my right ear feels like there is some pressure in it. The right side was more congested when I did this the 2nd time. I am taking an antibiotic for a sinus infection and also a decongestant. Is there anything else I can do to remedy this discomfort? Should I discontinue use of the neti pot

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

I am sorry for this delay. If you have an acute ear infection with pain, do not rinse with the netipot or squeeze bottle. Instead us all in one NasaMist or NasaDrops ampoules or vials.

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