I used the Neti Pot for the first time today. While doing the second nasal passage it made me kind of dizzy light headed. Is that normal?

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Jan 01, 2019 12:03 AM 1 Answers Allergy, Cold & Flu
Member Since Feb 2020
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I used the Neti Pot for the first time today. While doing the second nasal passage it made me kind of dizzy light headed. Is that normal?

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Jan 01, 2019

You may get temporary dizziness if you put too much pressure on the squeeze bottle or blow your nose very hard after the rinse. You could also experience dizziness if you leaned over for a period of time during the rinse and stood up too quickly. Please make sure to follow the instructions very carefully. You do not want to get water into your inner ears by using too much force.

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