I used a sample sinus rinse with a large volume bottle dispenser before bedtime. The next morning my eyes were almost swollen shut. I do not have a c

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Jan 01, 2019 12:27 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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I used a sample sinus rinse with a large volume bottle dispenser before bedtime. The next morning my eyes were almost swollen shut. I do not have a cold or fever or any colored nasal discharge. Is the solution wrong for me?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Are you referring to a Sinus Rinse squeeze bottle 8oz.? If so, there is no reason for swollen eyes to be related to using Sinus Rinse. We do not recommend using Sinus Rinse immediately before bed due to the chance of post nasal drip, which occurs when solution drips into the back of throat when lying down. However, this is also not related to swollen eyes.

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