I started using this neti-pot last week for allergies sinus problems. After I use it (1 blue packet for 8 oz of warm filtered water for each side) my
I started using this neti-pot last week for allergies sinus problems. After I use it (1 blue packet for 8 oz of warm filtered water for each side) my nose runs and I have a burning feeling in my nose and congestion for hours afterwards. Could you give me some advice as to what I am doing wrong?

You should be using 4 ounces of solution in each nasal passage, or half the volume in the neti pot. Using more should not create a problem but the extra amount of saline may cause some burning. Cut back to 4 ounces on each side and see if that helps. A small number of people experience reflex congestion from exposure to saline. This is usually a very benign and mild condition and should resolve on its own with time. Unless it creates other symptoms there is no need to discontinue ongoing rinsing.