I recently purchased the Neti Pot after trying a battery operated unit by another manufacturer. I followed instructions exactly as written. Even after
I recently purchased the Neti Pot after trying a battery operated unit by another manufacturer. I followed instructions exactly as written. Even after blowing my nose I still had drainage 14 1 2 hours later.Could this side effect be caused from the adenoidectomy I had as a small child over 40 years ago?I prefer the gravity flow method but did not h

Nasal passages and sinus cavities are very tortuous paths and they are not as straight wall structures as one could imagine or like. Depending on the gravity factors and your anatomy and level of ongoing inflammation, you may encounter the problem that you described. I suggest that after rinsing, you follow the instructions in the brochure. Various ways of tilting the head to drain out the residual may be an important factor and is certainly worth trying. I have described it below._______________________________________________________________________f tolerable, sniff in gently any residual solutionremaininginthenasalpassage once or twice, because this may clean out the posterior nasopharyngeal area, which is the area at the back of your nasal passage. At times, some solution will reach the back of your throat, so please spit it out.To help drain any residual solution, blow your nose gently while tilting your head forwardandtotheoppositesideofthenasal passage you just rinsed.