I recently purchased a box of Sinus Rinse from Walmart. I have heard that it was recalled. Is that true? How do I know if what I have was on the recal

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Jan 01, 2019 12:30 AM 1 Answers Post Nasal Drip
Member Since Feb 2020
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I recently purchased a box of Sinus Rinse from Walmart. I have heard that it was recalled. Is that true? How do I know if what I have was on the recall list?

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Jan 01, 2019

The products by NeilMed had perfect label for the type of water and our products have never been recalled. There were several brands that were recalled and to our knowledge, except for the NeilMed brand no one had a perfect label as far the type of water to be used and FDA recommendation. FDA new recommendation is no different than what I wrote in year 2000.

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