I purchased the NeilMed sinugator on June 19 and used it that evening. It works nicely except that there is a strange smell when I use it like plast

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers Pregnancy & Nasal Rinse
Member Since Feb 2020
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I purchased the NeilMed sinugator on June 19 and used it that evening. It works nicely except that there is a strange smell when I use it like plastic or the batteries. I called yesterday and was told to replace the batteries. That didnt make sense to me because I had just put in the batteries that came with it and had used the unit only 4 times. But I did so and it did not make a difference. Is it normal for this unit to smell a bit strange?

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Jan 01, 2019

Dear Marna,It is not common to have a strong smell of plastic or "strange smell". If it is more like a new plastic smell, then that is fine. If you feel it is the motor smelling then please give us a call and we will replace the product.

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