I just visited the Ear – Nose – & Throat Clinic at the VA Hospital and I had a Cat Scan done – They found out that my upper sinus passage on the right
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I just visited the Ear - Nose - & Throat Clinic at the VA Hospital and I had a Cat Scan done - They found out that my upper sinus passage on the right side is just about completely blocked. I have real bad post nasal drip and my voice is being affected. Which product should I use and will it kill the fungus? How do I keep it from coming back?
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Do NeilMed Sinus Rinse irrigation, three times a day and if tolerated, for the first week use NeilMed green packets available at Walgreens and see if you feel better with that. MIx one green packet of NeilMed in 240 mL or 8 oz of water. I cannot answer for the fungus. One has to culture and identify. Too early to say about the long term prognosis.