I just had a septoplasty & turbinate reduction surgery Thursday – the packing was removed Friday & my ent said to use the neilmed rinse 4 times a day

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Dec 31, 2018 11:59 PM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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I just had a septoplasty & turbinate reduction surgery Thursday - the packing was removed Friday & my ent said to use the neilmed rinse 4 times a day starting yesterday..however I get severly congested after using the rinse - my R eye is tearing constantly & burns & my R ear is now hurting - and my mouth burns & feels raw from the drainage & solution

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Jan 01, 2019

Tamara, please make sure solution is lukewarm to feel ( body temperature level), mixing is done properly and you are not forcing the liquid. If symptoms continue, use NeilMed nasamist spray-a smaller quantity or Nasadrops or reduce the frequency and volume of NeilMed solution. In any case, you need to speak to your doctor about the symptoms.

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