I have very bad sinusitis for many years and had 4 sinus surgery. I use the nasal rinse everyday. Im always congested and snore when I sleep because

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Jan 01, 2019 12:09 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have very bad sinusitis for many years and had 4 sinus surgery. I use the nasal rinse everyday. Im always congested and snore when I sleep because I cant get enough air in the naval passage. What other product would you suggest I use to help with the nasal congestion. I would greatly appreciate hearing from you.

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1 Answers
Best Answer
Ask A Doctor
Jan 01, 2019

You can try our NasoGel as after doing the Sinus Rinse. I suggest that you see a good ENT doctor for more evaluation.

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