I have very bad sinus congestion on my frontal sinus would it help me more to use 2 packs on one side of my nostril ? also do I suppose to use one pac

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Jan 01, 2019 12:22 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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I have very bad sinus congestion on my frontal sinus would it help me more to use 2 packs on one side of my nostril ? also do I suppose to use one packet with 8 oz of water on each side so a total of 2 packets each time I irrigate ?

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Jan 01, 2019

Using 2 isotonic packets with 8 ounces of (distilled, filtered [through 0.2 micron] or previously boiled water) creates a hypertonic solution. They have double the concentration and some research suggests that the greater concentration of salt solution will draw out more water from the congested tissue, reduce swelling, and open up the nasal passages and sinus openings to allow for better drainage.Most people use half the solution (4 ounces) per nostril, which is enough to create a sufficient large volume rinse, but you can use 8 ounces per nostril. This requires creating a new solution per nostril or purchasing our Extra Large Bottle Kit, which is sold at our webstore.

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