I have used the squeeze bottle for years satisfactorily and question if I should move to the Netipot. Is there any difference in results or why would

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Dec 31, 2018 11:58 PM 1 Answers Nasal Congestion
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have used the squeeze bottle for years satisfactorily and question if I should move to the Netipot. Is there any difference in results or why would one use one over the other? The new slim packets are wonderful and much better to handle than the older packets. Thanks

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Jan 01, 2019

The NasaFlo Neti Pot operates on the principles of gravity, meaning gravity does all the work of moving the solution through your nasal passages. The Sinus Rinse bottle allows you to have complete control of the pressure and volume. Whichever method you choose is completely up to you based on your preference, need, and comfort. I recommend sticking with the squeeze bottle as this method allows for greater pressure to better flush out excess mucus and irritants.

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