I have used the nasal rinse for 4 months now without any problems. However – I recently got a new kit (bottle and saline solution) and after I started

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Jan 01, 2019 12:11 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have used the nasal rinse for 4 months now without any problems. However - I recently got a new kit (bottle and saline solution) and after I started using it - I have been feeling a bit of the burning sensation - plus last night it made my forehead and the back of my head hurt too. Is it possible that the saline mix is expired spoiled?

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Jan 01, 2019

This is not a likely result of expired product. The expiry date can be found on the bottom of the box, and the packets can be used up to two years past the written expiry date as they consist of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate only. The most common reason people experience burning sensations or other sensations of discomfort are due to the water temperature (to hot or cold) or an inaccurate ratio of mixture to water.

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