I have used my NeilMed sinus Rinse for a few years now. Tonight when I used it – I had some fluid come out of the eye on the side of the nostril in w

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Jan 01, 2019 12:09 AM 1 Answers NeilMed Products
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I have used my NeilMed sinus Rinse for a few years now. Tonight when I used it - I had some fluid come out of the eye on the side of the nostril in which I had the bottle in. This is the first time this hasa occured - Am I putting myself at risk for an eye infection? This has never happened before - and I dont believe I have changed my technique

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Jan 01, 2019

The connection between the nose and eye is called Nasolacrimal duct. If you irrigate with a force, some fluid can go up from the nose into the eye through the nasolacrimal duct. There is no harm, if this happens occasionally. If this happens all the time, you may have to switch to NeilMed Nasaflo as it will be a gravity method and pressure is very low. We have not heard of any eye infection and I do not see it as a problem. This is similar to if one cries, one may feel salty taste in the mouth as tears with salt go down this path and enter the nose and then throat.

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