I have used a neti pot for several years daily and am looking for a no mix – easier to keep clean option. I purchased the nasamist saline spray and in

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Jan 01, 2019 12:11 AM 1 Answers Directions for use, Cleaning & Disinfecting Irrigation
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I have used a neti pot for several years daily and am looking for a no mix - easier to keep clean option. I purchased the nasamist saline spray and intend to use the large volume nozzle - but I would like to know why there is no cap for the bottle? What is the best way to store it and keep it clean between uses?

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

The NasaMist with Large Volume Rinse Tip is intended for one use, two uses maximum. This is because there is only enough solution in the canister for one true Large Volume and Low Pressure rinse.

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