I have tried the sinus rinse several different times. Every time I use it – the water never runs out the other nostril. I use at least half a bottle

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Dec 31, 2018 11:58 PM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have tried the sinus rinse several different times. Every time I use it - the water never runs out the other nostril. I use at least half a bottle and I only feel a little bit running down my throat then I spit it out. I feel like I must have a blockage all the time. I have asthma and chronic sinus infections and would love to use this natural rins

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Jan 01, 2019

It could be possible that you have a blocked nasal passage. You might try using a decongestant nasal spray about 15 minutes before performing the sinus rinse to open up the passage and see if this helps. If you are tilting your head too far back or forward, this could cause the solution to drain into your ear or eye. Please refer to the brochure or website for proper head position. Also, please make sure you blow your nose gently after rinsing to avoid putting pressure on your eardrums.

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