I have tried the neti process-with saline bottle 2 days. I cked with doctor and he said it often can be a great way to reduce sinus congestion. I have
I have tried the neti process-with saline bottle 2 days. I cked with doctor and he said it often can be a great way to reduce sinus congestion. I have slight allergies - but often have runny eyes - nose. Both times I did it no pain or issue. but after - have a headache - slight OR draining. Is that norm

As far as having slight drainage after the nasal irrigation, this is a common finding. Nasal and sinus passages are very tortuous and not a straight, clean cavity. The solution can get trapped into crevices. I recommend that after completing the process of nasal irrigation, you tilt your head sideways which will allow the solution to be drained out as completely as possible. As for getting symptoms of headaches, it may be related to slight tissue swelling. Consider trying one and a quarter or one and a half packet of the Sinus Rinse mixture packet to see if this changes your symptoms. Also, be sure to mix the solution thoroughly to avoid hypotonic solution which is a diluted solution or hypertonic which is a solution at the bottom and this happens when the mixture is not dissolved at the bottom.