I have recently started using the Sinus Rinse. I understand that the bottle is made from medical grade plastic – but when it is rinsed with warm wate

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers Nasal Congestion
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have recently started using the Sinus Rinse. I understand that the bottle is made from medical grade plastic - but when it is rinsed with warm water - there is a very distinct smell of plastic coming from the softened bottle.I then fill with body temperature water and mix the sachet before doing the sinus rinse. Although the rinse clears my sinus and allows easier breathing - as a aftereffect - I am left with this plastic smell for up to 24 hours. Obviously - something is leeching from the plastic bottle into the rinse solution.If I can smell this for so long - from a health point of view - it does give me cause for concern. Your UK office very kindly replaced the bottle on the basis that I may have bought a bad batch but the replacement smells the same.I would be grateful for your suggestions or recommendation.Many thanks -Rex A. Butcher

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Please try our NetiPot. NeilMed will be happy to give you a complimentary sample of the NetiPot. Please speak to Holly or Bharat.

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