I have lost my sense of smell after two years of taking Flonase and Astelin daily as prescribed by my asthma specialist – and I stopped taking both in

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Jan 01, 2019 12:15 AM 1 Answers Ear & Eye Symptoms and Nasal Rinse
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have lost my sense of smell after two years of taking Flonase and Astelin daily as prescribed by my asthma specialist - and I stopped taking both in September. Is there any specialist who can help me regain the sense of smell? I am very sad about not being able to detect any odors - which can also be dangerous. Thank you for any advice you can give

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Please visit University of Pennsylvania school of medicine and look for Dr. Richard Dotty in the ENT department. He has done tremendous work on this subject. Twice a day NeilMed will make a big difference.

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