I have had to cease using the sinus rinse product because everytime I do now – the water ends up in my ears. I used the product for over a year before

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Jan 01, 2019 12:08 AM 1 Answers Nose Bleed or Dry Nose
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I have had to cease using the sinus rinse product because everytime I do now - the water ends up in my ears. I used the product for over a year before this started happening.

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Jan 01, 2019

Please make sure you keep your head in the proper position during irrigation or the flow won't be as desired. The tip of your nose should be aiming for the center of the sink with your forehead horizontal to the countertop/floor. If it is tilted too far forward the solution may go in your ears. If it is too far back it may go down your throat. Make sure you do not blow your nose too hard after rinsing.

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