I have cronic sinusitis and currently have a some bleeding from excessive Afrin use – I just started using NeilMed sinse rinse on Phy recommendation a
I have cronic sinusitis and currently have a some bleeding from excessive Afrin use - I just started using NeilMed sinse rinse on Phy recommendation and on my first use expierenced ear pain on both sides which did relieve in serveral minutes - should I continue.

As long as you do not have an ear infection it is safe to continue. You may have blown your nose too hard when you rinsed. To avoid ear discomfort, make sure to lean your head forward as is shown in the directions, continue to breathe during rinsing and blow very gently afterwards. You may also want to try NeilMed NasoGel between rinsing to lubricate your dry nose. It has aloe vera and sodium hyaluronate, which is very soothing. If you can not find it at the pharmacy, ask the pharmacist to order it, or buy it online.