I have constant nasal restriction of air which causes triedness and a thicker muscus which irritates my throat which can cause wretching in the mornin

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Dec 31, 2018 11:58 PM 1 Answers Nasal Irrigation
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have constant nasal restriction of air which causes triedness and a thicker muscus which irritates my throat which can cause wretching in the mornings as I cough to clear. I have had scans to check for poyps etc which were clear

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Have you seen an allergist ? Do the nasal irrigation twice a day. You can also try 2 blue packets of NeilMed in 240 mL or 8 oz. of water in our squeeze bottle twice a day for a week and see if there is an improvement. This should be in parallel to seeing an ENT plus allergy doctor at the same time or coordinate all consulting through your regular doctor.Thank you.

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