I have chronic sinus problems even after sinus surgery to clear everything. The nasal rinse is very helpful but my nose bleeds while rinsing. Do you

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Jan 01, 2019 12:26 AM 1 Answers Nasal Irrigation
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have chronic sinus problems even after sinus surgery to clear everything. The nasal rinse is very helpful but my nose bleeds while rinsing. Do you have a product with aloe? There was one on the mkt but I think they have gone out of business. I use reverse osmosis water and dilute the product a little more than suggested but still have problem

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Jan 01, 2019

Please try and avoid things that can lead to nasal dryness. You can try our NasoGel and see if you feel it adds moisture. It does have aloe in it. Diluting the solution will be wrong and can create a risk of tissue congestion and more prone to bleed. Are you on any blood thiner ? You are using a good quality water and keep it up. In my experience, once you had chronic sinus condition up to the need for the surgery, one will always have some lifelong symptoms.

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