I have been using the sinus rinse system successfully for 4 years now – after 4 FESS I am medication free – few sinus infections. I swear by this syst

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers Travel & Saline Solution
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have been using the sinus rinse system successfully for 4 years now - after 4 FESS I am medication free - few sinus infections. I swear by this system. In the past when travelling I have used bottled water - but Im increasingly nervous about this - I am travelling to France soon and want an alternative. Im looking at the Nasa MIst All in One as suc

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Jan 01, 2019

NasaMist all in one will be fine. It has 6 oz. solution per canister. You will have to place them in a checked baggage. CVS stores may be having special at this time. I request that you please check the store.

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