I have been using the sinus rinse for 3 weeks – twice a day. I noticed that when Im finished – if I hold my head upside down for about 15 seconds –
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I have been using the sinus rinse for 3 weeks - twice a day. I noticed that when Im finished - if I hold my head upside down for about 15 seconds - and then when I lift my head up - more rinse comes out my left nostril. If I dont do this - rinse will dribble out at an inopportune time. What does that mean?
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Nasal and sinus passages are very tortuous and not a straight, clean cavity. The solution can get trapped into crevices. I recommend that after completing the process of nasal irrigation, you tilt your head sideways which will allow the solution to be drained out as completely as possible. If you experience delayed drainage, do not rinse right before leaving your house or going to bed.