I have been using the Neil Med Sinugator for four weeks and it has not made any difference to the post nasal drip. I have had this for many years and
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I have been using the Neil Med Sinugator for four weeks and it has not made any difference to the post nasal drip. I have had this for many years and have tried everything including nasal sprays which were effective for a while and then made it worse - and also many different complementary health methods. Do you have any advice?
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You might benefit from a hypertonic (extra strength) solution, and/or more frequent rinsing. Most people irrigate 2 times a day, but you may irrigate up to 6 times a day. We sell hypertonic (extra strength) packets, but if you have the isotonic (regular) packets you may use those as well, just make sure to use 2 isotonic packets to 8oz (240mL) water.