I have been using Neil Med Sinus Rinse for years. Now you are offering the Neti Pot. Given that the solution packets are the same – what are the advan
I have been using Neil Med Sinus Rinse for years. Now you are offering the Neti Pot. Given that the solution packets are the same - what are the advantages disadvantages of using either the plastic bottle over the Neti Pot procedure?

The most effective system, according to current medical literature, is a squeeze bottle designed to deliver a large volume of saline solution with low positive pressure. So the Sinus Rinse bottle system is our recommended method. All Neti Pots operate on the principle of gravity. Tilting your head and simultaneously raising the Neti Pot device allows the solution to flow down the nasal passages due to the effect of gravity. They are suitable for those who cannot tolerate even the smallest amount of pressure in the nasal passages.