I have been sinus rinsing for years with bottle kit. I was told by an ENT to use 1 4 tsp. of betadine with my saline rinsing and or 1 2 tsp of Hydroge
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I have been sinus rinsing for years with bottle kit. I was told by an ENT to use 1 4 tsp. of betadine with my saline rinsing and or 1 2 tsp of Hydrogen peroxide - because I get frequent sinus infections. I would like to get your opinion on what are you thoughts on adding those to the rinses? And if they would do any damage to bottle? Thank you for your time.
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We do not have any experience on using Betadine in the nasal irrigation and I am not sure if there is much medical literature on its safety and efficacy for the long term use. I am not worried about the bottle as it can be replaced if it has changed the color.