I have been reading about the leakage of hormone analog chemicals from plastic. I wanted to verify that my nasal wash bottle (I use it everyday – than

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Jan 01, 2019 12:20 AM 1 Answers General Questions
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I have been reading about the leakage of hormone analog chemicals from plastic. I wanted to verify that my nasal wash bottle (I use it everyday - thank you!) is made of plastic that will not transfer plastic originating materials into my warm nasal solution. thank you Jenella Loye - phd.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

You are a scientist and you have a very good question. I feel that there are enough publications that one need not worry too much about this fact. We do have a porcelain NetiPot. This will be a perfect thing and please obtain this from CVS, Rite Aid or online.

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