I have been diagnosed with ETD and my right ear gets sticky feeling. ENT sad to use the nasal rinse but I am afraid that it would do more harm than g

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Jan 01, 2019 12:00 AM 1 Answers Electrical Pulsating Irrigator
Member Since Feb 2020
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I have been diagnosed with ETD and my right ear gets sticky feeling. ENT sad to use the nasal rinse but I am afraid that it would do more harm than good as the instructions say not to use if the ear is congested. I have oK inner ear pressure and no fluid in the middle ear...HELP!

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Jan 01, 2019

Sometimes, if you use too much pressure or blow your nose too hard after rinsing, fluid does drain into the ears through the eustacian tube. We don’t recommend using the rinse if you do have fluid in the ears, but if your ENT says it’s OK then you may follow their recommendation, just squeeze the bottle gently and blow your nose very gently after rinsing.

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