I have bad nasal congestion. I have seen 2 doctors & both times they checked my ears & said there was no fluid in them. I have been hearing fine

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Dec 31, 2018 11:59 PM 1 Answers Directions for use, Cleaning & Disinfecting Irrigation
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I have bad nasal congestion. I have seen 2 doctors & both times they checked my ears & said there was no fluid in them. I have been hearing fine too. I have used the neti pot 3 times now. I dont feel anything flowing into my ears but when Im done - I can hear watery noise in my ear. Am I doing the netipot incorrectly?Is water flowing into my ears?

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Jan 01, 2019

I suggest that you do not use NetiPot and try our NeilMed Sinus rinse squeeze bottle system. The symptoms you describe are possible but should go away quickly in few minutes to few hours. People who have such symptoms, should not use the NetiPot or nasal irrigation. Please make sure to read the directions on the squeeze bottles system.

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