I had sinus surgery on 7 May 2012. On 10 May 2011 – my ENT told me to begin using the sinus rinse three times a day – which I had without any issues.
I had sinus surgery on 7 May 2012. On 10 May 2011 - my ENT told me to begin using the sinus rinse three times a day - which I had without any issues. Note: I have used NeilMed Sinus Rinse since suggested by in ENT in Sept 2011. With that said - it is second nature for me to shake the solution before using. Today - I experienced a stinging seinsation that went from the nostril up the forward and towards the back. Can this happen if I forgot to shake the solution? I have never had any issues during the few months. Thank You.

It happened most likely due to recent surgery and open scars. Due to recent surgery, you must speak to your doctor. If you forget to shake, it makes a very weak solution on the top and that is hypotonic and it will lead to burning and pain.