I had FESS 5 months ago to remove polys and widen my sinuses. On discharge – the nurse didnt tell me to start neilmed sinus rinse so for a month after
I had FESS 5 months ago to remove polys and widen my sinuses. On discharge - the nurse didnt tell me to start neilmed sinus rinse so for a month after the surgery i was using only a salt nasal spray. Since the surgery ive suffered with infections and bad crusting. The ENT consultant a month after the surgery started me on neilmed sinus rinse - I was using it 3 times a day - reducing it down to once - I have recently been told I need to start doing it 3 times a day again. The past week ive developed a nasal drip again - which i had before the surgery. At the moment - I am only using one sachet at a time - was wondering if using two sachets at a time would help? Thanks

Considering your recent surgery, I suggest that you follow directionsgiven by your ear, nose and throat spcialist. I do not feel that therewould be any significant aditional advantage if you were to use two blue packets of NeilMed in 240ml of water to make the saline rinse.