I get sores in my nose caused by allergies and the constant flow of mucus. Is it okay to use the sinus rinse while I have sores in my nose – I dont wa

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Jan 01, 2019 12:04 AM 1 Answers Nasal Irrigation
Member Since Feb 2020
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I get sores in my nose caused by allergies and the constant flow of mucus. Is it okay to use the sinus rinse while I have sores in my nose - I dont want to spread them through my sinuses but I also think the saline solution will help heal them. Thanks.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Without inspecting or examining, it is difficult for me to say any final word here. Please try saline sprays from NeilMed instead of large volume irrigation during the phase of sores in the nasal passages. You can also try using the NasoGel and see if that gives some symptomatic relief. Of course, must see your doctor.

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