i do not have a microwave to sterilize the bottle. I just had sinus surgery (yesterday). So is washing is sudsy water doesnt seem enough. Should I

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Jan 01, 2019 12:26 AM 1 Answers Travel & Saline Solution
Member Since Feb 2020
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i do not have a microwave to sterilize the bottle. I just had sinus surgery (yesterday). So is washing is sudsy water doesnt seem enough. Should I rinse with boiling water on the inside - not immerse and boil - just rinse? Or should I just go and purchase the spray? I want to be careful.

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Jan 01, 2019

You can buy NeilMed Ready to use bottles at any large drug stores and you won't have to worry about the water. You can also consider buying all in one NasaMist at Walgreens as it is buy one and get one free at this time. We are developing a solution to sterilize the devices but not out yet.

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