I didnt know what is different between NeilMeds Sinus Rinse Pre-Mixed Pediatric Packets and NeilMeds Sinus Rinse Pre-Mixed Packets. Their ingredient o
I didnt know what is different between NeilMeds Sinus Rinse Pre-Mixed Pediatric Packets and NeilMeds Sinus Rinse Pre-Mixed Packets. Their ingredient or only how much water we mixed with one packet? Can I use blue colored package for my 5-month child?

We do not recommend using Sinus Rinse on children under the age of 5 without a recommendation from a doctor. For infants 6 months and up, we have a product called NasaDrops which is a small, sterile vial of saline that can be squeezed into the nose. After emptying the vial, the tip can then be used a disposable aspirator. For babies 1 year and up, we have an isotonic saline spray that is safe to use. For future reference, the only difference between the blue isotonic packets and the orange pediatric packets is the amount of water to be mixed with it. The blue packet can be used for your child, but you must mix it with 8 ounces of water. Please make sure you use a separate bottle for your child than yourself or any other family members. If you use an adult 8 ounce bottle, then you can follow the directions and mix one blue packet with 8 ounces of water in the bottle. If you have a pediatric bottle for your child, you should mix the blue packet with 8 ounces of water in a separate container or measuring cup and then add 4 ounces of solution to the pediatric bottle. You must then discard the remaining 4 ounces.