i did the sinus rinse but i put the bottle on the right nostril and only a litle came out of my left nosril. but when i moved the botle from right nos
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i did the sinus rinse but i put the bottle on the right nostril and only a litle came out of my left nosril. but when i moved the botle from right nostil it came out of right nostril but now i have bad headache and pressre on ears what does this mean?
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It is possible you have a blockage or congestion in one nasal passage and when you blew your nose after rinsing you blew too hard and put pressure on your ear drums. We always recommend that you do not do a sinus rinse when you have a blocked passage. You can try using a nasal decongestant spray before rinsing to open up the nasal passages, or wait a few days until the congestion goes away. Please, ALWAYS be careful to blow your nose gently after rinsing.