I am not sure what the difference is between your Rinses? Isotonic or Hypotonic? do you hasve more info please. thanks

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Jan 01, 2019 12:30 AM 1 Answers Nasal Irrigation
Member Since Feb 2020
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I am not sure what the difference is between your Rinses? Isotonic or Hypotonic? do you hasve more info please. thanks

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Jan 01, 2019

The hypertonic packet is equivalent to two isotonic packets when mixed with 240 mL of (distilled, filtered [through 0.2 micron], previously boiled) water. To know the difference between Isotonic & Hypertonic please visit http://www.neilmed.com/common/hypertonic.htmlTo know the difference between Isotonic & Pediatric please visit http://www.neilmed.com/common/pediatric.html

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