I am going to Mexico and was wondering if you have any suggestions for me as to best way to acquire the proper water. I understand I need to use: Dist
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I am going to Mexico and was wondering if you have any suggestions for me as to best way to acquire the proper water. I understand I need to use: Distilled or Micro-Filtered (through 0.2 micron) or Commercially Bottled or Previously Boiled & Cooled Down Water at Lukewarm or Body Temperature But it might be hard to find!!
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We have Ready Rinse bottle that comes with a premixed solution, so you know that the water in our Ready Rinse is safe. We also have NasaMist All-in-One that provides both a Large Volume Low Pressure rinse as well as a gentle mist for moisturization. These can be purchased in many national chain pharmacies, ordered online www.neilmed.com, or you may order through us at 1-877-477-8633.