I am going camping and wondering how can I pre-mix a couple of bottles for use in the mornings.

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Jan 01, 2019 12:25 AM 1 Answers General Questions
Member Since Feb 2020
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I am going camping and wondering how can I pre-mix a couple of bottles for use in the mornings. How to maintain the sterile nature of the solution and for how long can I trust the pre-mixed solution to be safe? Daily - I use a distilled water (not tap) and a bottle warmer to ensure a comfortable temperature of the solution. I would be using the same distilled water in the pre-mixed solutions. But with the camping the water wouldnt be as warm.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

This is a good example where one can obtain NeilMed premixed solution called "NeilMed SinuFlo Ready Rinse". It is all mixed up and ready to use. Available at CVS, Rite Aid, Duane Reade, etc. We also have them online. You can also use brand name drinking bottle water available in the stores.

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