I am a great believer in your products and recommend them to many patients.
I am a great believer in your products and recommend them to many patients.I assumed that there is enough salt in your packets to blunt any common microbes in tap water but the recent JAMA article of the death of a 47 y o man gave me pause.Are you changing your recommendations?Thank youDan Labriola ND

Since the company's beginning, NeilMed’s recommendation has been and will continue to be that the best water to use for performing a nasal rinse is water that is distilled, filtered (through 0.2 micron), commercially bottled or previously boiled & cooled down to lukewarm or body temperature.It is not safe to use tap water. Tap water may be safe to drink, but it is not safe to put in the nasal passages. The digestive system has more defensive barriers that can handle contaminants from food and beverages. This amoeba can exist in warm fresh water (especially southern states), but you should always use safe water regardless of where you live.Please see the link for more information regarding this matter.http://www.neilmed.com/usa/np_water_quality.php#sthash.mqRCArJS.dpbs