I am a C-pap patient for 2 years. 6 months ago I started experiencing Hay fever symptoms. Could there be a connection? I have recently started using y
I am a C-pap patient for 2 years. 6 months ago I started experiencing Hay fever symptoms. Could there be a connection? I have recently started using your sinus rinse system and have experienced much improvement. The allergies seem to be triggered by dust mold - but occasionally pop up overnight.

You are asking a very interesting question. The air that is pumped through the CPAP mask is filtered air and so there should be less chance of getting exposed to any pollens or dust. My question to you is do you feel that your nasal passages are more open after the use of CPAP? The reason I€™m asking this question is if your nasal cavity is unplugged or less plugged, there is more exposure of the environmental air into the nasal passages and if the hay fever symptoms are more pronounced due to more exposure to the environmental air. A lot of people with plugged nasal passages keep their mouth open at nighttime and in that case the nasal passages are not exposed to pollens and dust as much. It is almost impossible to get rid of allergies completely and out goal is to have enough symptomatic improvement so that one can live a comfortable life.