I am 64 years of age. I had my upper left tooth extracted very recently and on the fifth day when I was rinsing my mouth with water; water started dri

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Dec 31, 2018 11:58 PM 1 Answers Solution does not drain from the other side
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I am 64 years of age. I had my upper left tooth extracted very recently and on the fifth day when I was rinsing my mouth with water; water started dripping from my left nostril - is this normal? or do I have a problem. The day my tooth was removed and as I was laying in the chair the dentist whom removed my tooth showed me an xray and said something about roots and sinus cavity have no clue what she was talking about.

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Jan 01, 2019

I have not seen or examined you but it seems that there is a communication between your mouth or oral cavity and left maxillary sinus. Please revisit your dentist and he may make a referral to another specialist or may be able to handle it himself. What you described is not normal. Essentially you may have maxillary or oral cavity fistula at the site of the tooth extraction.Thank you.

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