How many times a day can I use this? I have been battling with a viral sinus infection for over 6 weeks. My doctor is aware of this. We have tried eve
How many times a day can I use this? I have been battling with a viral sinus infection for over 6 weeks. My doctor is aware of this. We have tried everything. I am using 8 oz. Neil Med Sinus Rinse twice a day. What more should I be doing?

Some physicians recommend rinsing with a hypertonic solution in certain cases and this might help you. The belief is that a higher concentrated solution will draw the fluid and mucus out of congested nasal and maybe sinus openings. You might try this for a few days. A hypertonic solution may provide more immediate relief, but it can sting and have an adverse effect to the nasal lining over the long run.You can make a hypertonic solution by using two of our blue Isotonic premixed packets or you can also purchase the Hypertonic packets online or possibly in your local pharmacy.