How do I know which I should use – Isotonic or Hypertonic solutions? I have seasonal allergies but use the regular blue and whitesinus rinse 2-3 times
How do I know which I should use - Isotonic or Hypertonic solutions? I have seasonal allergies but use the regular blue and whitesinus rinse 2-3 times daily to keep my sinus infections somehwhat under control - and your product has greatly reduced the number of infections I get each year. Thanks

Some physicians recommend using a hypertonic (double or triple) solution in certain cases. They believe that a higher concentration of saline will draw the fluid and mucus out of congested nasal and sinus openings better than the isotonic solution. You can use 2 or 3 of our blue mixture packets to create a hypertonic solution (or buy our green hypertonic packets). If you do this and experience intolerable burning or stinging, please discontinue and go back to using the isotonic solution. We feel that, apart from transient mild burning, the hypertonic solution will not cause any permanent damage when used a few times, as needed. With time, you will be able to judge what concentration of saline works best for you.