Hi – My 10 year old daughter has been using the flush for over a year now. She has been abe to stop two of her medications. I ofter get concerned ab
Hi - My 10 year old daughter has been using the flush for over a year now. She has been abe to stop two of her medications. I ofter get concerned about the water she uses. I was using tap water but after reading an article about a girl dying from amoeba caused by using the flush. I switch to distilled - Our tap water is treated and very good. wh

Dear Pam,You do have a good point to make. There are no studies to show how long one can use the distilled water after opening the bottle and same for the bottled water. There is no reason that in a water as mentioned above, bacteria should start multiplying. WE feel that it is safe for the nasal irrigation unless one just had a surgery. The safest is to boil the drinking quality water, cool it down to luke warm temperature or if it is too cold, warm it up in the microwave and then use it for the rinse at lukewarm temperature. What happened is unfortunate but NeilMed from day one had essentially same instructions that you read here and our products were kept on the shelves as is. There were several other products that got taken off the shelves. In fact, the time when the news happened, except for the NeilMed, no other company had a proper instructions except for NeilMed. Health departments issued warning on the selection of water and they took the details what I had written on the day of the launch of our product.Visit the below link to view the disinfection protocol.https://www.neilmed.com/usa/disinfection-protocol/