Hi: I have used your sinus rinse the previous year or so and it works really well for allergies etc. In December I had a couple of Vertigo episodes.

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Jan 01, 2019 12:15 AM 1 Answers Dizziness
Member Since Feb 2020
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Hi: I have used your sinus rinse the previous year or so and it works really well for allergies etc. In December I had a couple of Vertigo episodes. My ear - nose throat Dr told me no caffeine and keep your salt down to a minimum. Would NeilMed (pouches) in any way add to the possibility of bringing on Vertigo?Tom

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Jan 01, 2019

There is no reserach done on this to my knowledge. If you have any vertigo, you should not use it as there is a potential for pressure to transmit to ear. This is per my judgement.

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