Hi… I have used the sinus rinse product for several years & love it. My question… my son heard that the sinus rinse will affect your sense of smel

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Jan 01, 2019 12:24 AM 1 Answers Nose Bleed or Dry Nose
Member Since Feb 2020
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Hi... I have used the sinus rinse product for several years & love it. My question... my son heard that the sinus rinse will affect your sense of smell - causing you to loose it. He uses it from time to time & needs to keep using it.

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Our NeilMed Sinus Rinse is natural and drug- and preservative-free and safe to use. We know that chronic rhinitis or chronic sinus symptoms will adversely affect the sense of smell and taste. Nasal rinses will improve nasal and sinus conditions, which can improve the sense of smell and taste. This has been well proven in several scientific studies.

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