Hi Dr. Your products have been of great assistance convenience. Ent specialist said I have deviated septum which is causing sinus issues. Can sinuse

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Jan 01, 2019 12:15 AM 1 Answers Directions for use, Cleaning & Disinfecting Irrigation
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Hi Dr. Your products have been of great assistance convenience. Ent specialist said I have deviated septum which is causing sinus issues. Can sinuses issues cause disorientation? Why does pain pressure fluctuate so easily? Can acupuncture help? Thanks

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1 Answers
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Jan 01, 2019

Your question is broad. If the infection is very severe, you have fever, etc. one can get disorientation. If the inner ear is affected one can get vertigo, dizziness and may feel disorientation. If pain goes and comes back, throbbing pain, visual changes, blurred vision, there may be other causes and I suggest that you see a very good primary care doctor ora neurologist just to be safe so all the aspects are covered. Hypoglycemia or low sugar can give symptoms of fluctuating headache.

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