Hi Dr Mehta – I am about 5 months pregnant and I have constant congestion on one of my nostrils. I try to use Neil Med whenever I feel that my nostril

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Jan 01, 2019 12:19 AM 1 Answers Ear Care
Member Since Feb 2020
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Hi Dr Mehta - I am about 5 months pregnant and I have constant congestion on one of my nostrils. I try to use Neil Med whenever I feel that my nostrils are partially blocked. Should I instanly feel relief after I do Neil med or does it take a few days of regularly doing this to feel the relief.

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Jan 01, 2019

I am sorry for this delay. How is the baby ? If you feel too congested, try and use two NeilMed blue packets instead of one packet for each 8 oz, of specified water. Please follow the rest of the directions as written in the brochure. NeilMed saline systems are pregnancy safe.

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